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Cyberpunk with a diverse cast of characters and twisted plot that will keep you guessing. Out now in hardback and ebook.


A blend of sci-fi & horror dealing with UFOs and alien abductions. Out now on Kindle and paperback.

Featured on New Adventures in Sci-fi

This month I had the privileged of being interviewed by Chris Morton for his site, New Adventures in Sci-fi. Morton's blog is an exciting and dedicated dive into science fiction art, books, authors, and more. Every month he features art, a specific book, and interviews an author. I was really lucky to connect with Morton and be able to be featured as March's author interview. Morton's questions are some of the most interesting and in-depth ones I've ever been asked and I really enjoyed providing deeper insight into why I wrote my latest novel, Sleepwalker.

So, I invite you to read the whole interview here. And then, let me know what you think. What other questions do you have?

It's worth mentioning that Chris Morton is an author himself and you can find out more about his books here. By the way, he never asked me to plug him or his work. I just genuinely think his work sounds intriguing and worth checking out.


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