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Cyberpunk with a diverse cast of characters and twisted plot that will keep you guessing. Out now in hardback and ebook.


A blend of sci-fi & horror dealing with UFOs and alien abductions. Out now on Kindle and paperback.

First Book Signing for Sleepwalker

This weekend I had the honor of having my first book signing event for my latest novel, Sleepwalker, at my local Barnes & Noble. It was a great afternoon and I really enjoyed the chance to chat with many people who stopped by to check out this weird book with a disintegrating brain on the cover. Several people were intrigued and grabbed a copy. I was also so moved by my colleagues from Niwaki, who I am producing a docuseries with, who came by to snag their own signed copies of Sleepwalker and chat with me. That was a wonderful surprise.

The sign right at the front entrance of the store.

One of my favorite interactions of the day was with a gentleman who asked me right off the bat who he would be reminded of reading when my novel. He also asked me about who some of my favorite authors are. He then called his teenage son over who chatted with me for a while about the book. His son also found the book's premise compelling and he opted to have me sign a copy for him and his dad. I really hope they enjoy it.

My many thanks to Barnes & Noble in Hingham, Mass for hosting me and for consistently showing support and enthusiasm for local authors. I often hang out at this specific B&N and I regularly encounter book signings and other community events. I've purchased signed books from other local authors who have had their own book signings at this location. I also want to thank Trevor Duke, who hung out with me for the afternoon and snapped lots of great photos (see collage above).

Look for the "Autographed Copy" sticker.

If you are in the Boston South Shore area and you would still like to grab your own signed copy of Sleepwalker, the Barnes & Noble in the Derby Street Shops in Hingham has several copies they had me sign that are available for purchase. Swing by and ask one of the book floor associates or managers at the information desk. I mean, feel free to look around, but if you ask for my book by name it will make me seem like I'm sought after and all [shamelessly giggles]. Maybe they'll want me to come back when I have the paperback out.

You can also order a hardback copy Sleepwalker here. If ebooks are your thing, the novel is also available on Nook and other ebook formats such as Kindle and iBooks.

My eternal gratitude to my publisher, DoxaNoûs Media, for the wide distribution approach and strategic partnership that allows me to do book signings like this.

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