If you are following my podcast, Exploring Tomorrow: Meaningful Science Fiction and Life's Big Questions, you may have noticed a slight absence of new episodes lately. Yup, I've been busy. Life's been a little crazy. And I haven't had the time and energy required to keep up with my ambitious weekly release of new episodes. That being said, I'm far from done with the podcast and will be back with more episodes in the coming weeks.

The challenges of having a full-time job, parenting, and being a writer on top of running a podcast caught up with me recently. We are definitely living through very interesting times and as a creative person with a lot of other responsibilities, it's easy to bite off more than I can sustain. Yet, the podcast is getting good feedback and lots of plays. And I have a lot of other ideas about things to discuss and guests to bring on. Time. That's the classic issue to figure out, isn't it?
What exactly have I been doing while not making podcast episodes? I have been hard at work at the first narrative film project I've written and produced in over four years. That project is now in post-production and has a magnificently successful Kickstarter campaign you can check out here. This sci-fi short film has been such an exciting development and I'm so glad I could partner with director and actor Diana Porter to bring this project to life. I based the script for this film on a short story I wrote, which is also currently being held for closer consideration by Apex Magazine.
Soon, Diana will join me for a special episode of my podcast to discuss our collaboration on this sci-fi short film. More news on that coming soon.